Daily Markup #448: Top stories in February on over US$60M raised by 500-backed startups, two acquisitions, and more The shortest month of the year has brought 500-backed startups an impressive amount of funding. Over US$60 million was raised in total for small... Ching Yee Ho February 28, 2022 · 2 min read
Daily Markup #338: Pandemic-resilient Malaysian startups defying odds in 2021; Naluri to help startups weather the pandemic with MaGIC; Bukalapak’s Rachmat Kaimuddin to speak at Tech in Asia conference Stronger than ever e27 published a list of notable startups in Malaysia in 2021 that have shown resilience in... Ching Yee Ho September 21, 2021 · 3 min read
Daily Markup #324: Top stories in August on FinAccel’s US$2.5B SPAC deal, Parcel Perform bagging US$20M in funding & more This month, Indonesian startups make big waves on the global stage. FinAccel plans to go public in the United... Ching Yee Ho August 30, 2021 · 2 min read
Daily Markup #322: Omnilytics to acquire Supahands for US$20M to supercharge retail tech capabilities; Carsome understands people better with data; Carousell discovers what makes millennials tick Ramping up in retail Two 500-backed data-driven startups have come together in a US$20... Ching Yee Ho August 26, 2021 · 3 min read
Daily Markup #204: Supa-charging data on Carousell; EMQ reaches Canadian shores; Fintech joins the fight against COVID-19 A drive for data What started as a conversation with 500 Durians led to... Felicia Chia March 4, 2021 · 4 min read
Daily Markup #143: How does Supahands COO ensure we have diversity in AI?; Daily Markup #143: How does Supahands COO ensure we have diversity in AI?; Crowdsourcing an unbiased AI The field of artificial intelligence (AI) traces its origins to... Felicia Chia December 2, 2020 · 6 min read
Daily Markup #112: What Carsome is doing differently in the B2C used car market; Finaxar and Visa… Daily Markup #112: What Carsome is doing differently in the B2C used car market; Finaxar and Visa… Reinventing B2C In August, 500-backed Carsome announced it had entered the business-to-consumer (B2C) market.... Felicia Chia October 19, 2020 · 5 min read
Daily Markup #88: How to expand globally amidst the pandemic according to Supahands; PolicyPal… Daily Markup #88: How to expand globally amidst the pandemic according to Supahands; PolicyPal… Careful planning For entrepreneurs, global expansion is an indicator of growth and ambition by... Felicia Chia September 7, 2020 · 5 min read
Daily Markup #59: Gender diversity’s importance in tech; Learning new skills amidst a global… Daily Markup #59: Gender diversity’s importance in tech; Learning new skills amidst a global… Diversity in tech is good for all While there’s still much to be said... Felicia Chia July 9, 2020 · 5 min read
Daily Markup #44: Singapore-based startup launches telemedicine service for the elderly Daily Markup #44: Singapore-based startup launches telemedicine service for the elderly Connecting the elderly with medical professionals, virtually. Teleconsultation for the elderly Since launching in... Felicia Chia June 5, 2020 · 5 min read