Ching Yee Ho

By Ching Yee Ho

Daily Markup #388: Vishal talks trends in fintech entrepreneurship; Ayannah partnership to reach more unbanked Filipinos; Gilmour Space develops new & advanced rocket material

A new wave of entrepreneurs “Entrepreneurs are no longer just building replacements for existing financial institutions,” said Vishal Harnal, Managing Partner of 500 Southeast...

Daily Markup #386: Top stories in November on over US$70M raised by 500-backed startups, multi-market acquisitions, and more

Over US$70 million has been raised by five 500-backed startups this month for sustainable transport, re-commerce, affordable healthcare, and more. In acquisition news, Singapore’s...

Daily Markup #384: This week’s stories on Transcelestial’s ‘superfast Internet’, abillion’s US$1M donation goal, and more

This week, 500-backed startups make an impact across the globe. Deep tech startup Transcelestial will bring its innovative wireless Internet technology to 10 new...

Daily Markup