Kredivo Group acquires GajiGesa to unlock financial freedom for low-wage workers with instant access to earned wages | Markup #1169

Photo credit: Kredivo

Payday, Any Day

  • Low-wage and hourly workers often struggle to make ends meet until payday, making them a vulnerable prey to predatory lenders. That’s about to change through this acquisition.
  • 500-backed FinTech company Kredivo Group acquired GajiGesa, a platform that enables employees to instantly access the earned portion of their monthly salary via an easy-to-use mobile application.
  • With over 350,000 users already on board, more workers will gain control over their finances, bridging the gap between paychecks with ease.
  • Abhijay Sethia, Kredivo Group’s Chief Strategy Officer shared, “GajiGesa’s product suite puts employee wellness first and is a major enabler of financial inclusion by bringing underbanked customers into the formal financial system.”
  • “We believe that this product not only offers tremendous benefits to both salaried employees and their employers alike, but is also entirely complementary to Kredivo Group’s existing businesses, across its Kredivo (digital consumer credit) and Krom (digital banking) franchises,” he added.
  • Read the full story on TechNode Global.


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