Daily Markup #1081: From law to tech, InvestaX co-founder Alice Chen’s blockchain journey helps companies unlock the value of idle assets

Photo credit: Alice Chen

Joining the revolution

  • From Shanghai to the States to Singapore, Alice Chen found herself pivoting from international law firms to co-founding what was originally a low-tech crowdfunding platform.
  • 500-backed fintech company InvestaX eventually evolved to fully integrate blockchain technology into its platform to provide end-to-end token issuance and trading.
  • Today, InvestaX offers a comprehensive package, including advisory, distribution, technical infrastructure, token issuance, custody, and trading solutions.
  • The team helps a diverse range of clients, from startups and pre-IPO companies, to large financial institutions, to unlock value through the tokenization of assets that are often sitting idle.
  • With more than two decades of experience as an international corporate lawyer and a keen interest in reading about the world of digital assets, Alice drives InvestaX’s regulatory strategy, product and protocol development, and engagement with policymakers.
  • She is also a frequent guest lecturer at Singapore Management University (SMU) on topics related to blockchain and digital securities, as well asplays a key role as a member of the Singapore Fintech Association.
  • Alice finds that her current role at InvestaX is the highlight of her career where she gets to build the foundations of future finance.
  • “The excitement and novelty of working in the digital asset space keep me truly focused and invigorated despite the regular challenges and constant firefighting we face,” she shared.
  • For those considering a career in digital assets over the traditional path of joining major brand firms, Alice emphasizes passion: “Startups may not offer the high salaries of established banks, but they provide learning, growth, and other rewards like equity and tokens, the chance to be a part of something new and evolutionary. I believe that without a passion for what one does, one’s interest will quickly fade, leading to job-hopping or dissatisfaction. If you love what you do, it doesn’t feel like work at all,” she said.
  • Learn more about Alice here.


Daily Markup