Daily Markup #1054: Pandai’s Khairul shares how their GenAI-powered study buddy prevents students from cheating and fosters smarter learning

Photo credit: FORTUNE

No cheatbots

  • It can be very tempting to take the easy route. With Generative AI (GenAI), students can simply input a question, and GenAI-powered chatbots can generate answers for them instantly.
  • So, with more than 500,000 students on the platform, how does 500-backed edtech company Pandai circumvent this problem? “Unlike ChatGPT, our chatbot is trained on the curriculum and it is designed not to give answers outright,” shared Co-founder & CEO Khairul Anwar at FORTUNE Brainstorm AI in Singapore.
  • Ask PBot, Pandai’s study buddy for students, guides them through step-by-step solutions, asking them what they understand along the way. “The danger is students outsourcing their homework; not only the writing, but also the thinking process. [With Ask PBot], it’s as if a personal tutor is with them,” Khairul explained.
  • He also agreed that there can be an over-reliance on AI that diminishes the interactions between students and teachers. “That’s why we have the parent and teacher models, to complete the ecosystem. [Pandai for teachers] covers planning, student monitoring, and self-development content,” he shared.
  • A practical tip for educators? “It’s important to highlight to students what education is in the first place. If the message is to go to college, buy a house, and buy a car, [you’re telling them] it’s just a transaction, then obviously students will cheat.”
  • Khairul underscored the importance of reframing education as a pathway to become an informed citizen, a better decision maker, and better thinker.
  • Watch the full video on FORTUNE.


Daily Markup