Daily Markup #1029: Prenetics scores football legend David Beckham as strategic investor and co-founding partner of new health & wellness brand IM8

Photo credit: Prenetics

A new era of healthcare beckons

  • Science and sports come together in this serendipitous partnership between 500-backed biotech company Prenetics and football legend, entrepreneur, and philanthropist David Beckham.
  • David is now a strategic investor in the company, and together they will be co-founding partners of IM8, a health and wellness brand for cutting-edge health products.
  • After connecting with Prenetics Co-founder & CEO Danny Yeung and shareholder Professor Dennis Lo, David was keen to find ways to partner with them after learning about Prof. Lo’s pioneering discovery of non-invasive prenatal testing in 1997 and current focus on early cancer detection.
  • Danny shared that IM8 is inspired by the desire to merge cutting-edge science with everyday health solutions. They aim to make advanced health solutions more accessible and relatable, as well as build trust and foster a community around health and wellness.
  • He added that IM8 will empower people with the right tools and knowledge to improve health outcomes and promote proactive health management.
  • David shared, “Throughout my life and career, I’ve been fortunate to have access to the best medical professionals, nutrition experts and fitness coaches. Their guidance has been crucial to my health and well-being. That’s why I am excited to be working with Prenetics—a company that is dedicated to innovative, world-leading scientific advancements in health—as a co-founding partner and ambassador for IM8.”
  • Read the full story on Tatler.


Daily Markup