Daily Markup #1008: Transcelestial overcomes harsh marine conditions to provide reliable and uninterrupted superfast Internet in Taiwan

Photo credit: Transcelestial

Over troubled waters

  • How do you build telecommunications infrastructure over water obstacles? Answer: you shouldn’t! It is impractical, and in some instances, impossible. Physical cabling is not only costly, but also susceptible to environmental damage.
  • In Taiwan, Far EasTone faced this challenge at their ports, which are in close proximity to large bodies of water and have high levels of humidity and salt, conditions that are not ideal for electronic equipment.
  • Together with 500-backed superfast Internet company Transcelestial, Far EasTone embarked on a trial at Taichung Port to deliver stable connectivity over water wirelessly, without the need for any fiber cables, just lasers.
  • Several units of Transcelestial’s shoebox-sized device, called CENTAURI, were strategically placed at key points around the port to create a network capable of stable, high-speed data transmission.
  • The trial was a success:
    • Met the bandwidth demands of Far EasTone’s mobile network operations, maintaining the required 10Gbps performance both ways
    • Maintained stable connectivity over water, setting a new benchmark for wireless technology in marine environments
    • CENTAURI provided reliable, uninterrupted communication even during adverse weather amidst a challenging port environment
  • Read the full story here.


Daily Markup