Daily Markup #1001: NewCampus’ evolution from championing alternative career paths to investing in education businesses, all in the name of good

Photo credit: The Peak

In good books

  • The passing of his sister Kat set Will Fan on a new outlook: constantly learn, do right by people, and enjoy the process. His driving motivation is asking, “How do you build sustenance and be a good person at the end of the day, constantly doing great work and creating impact?”
  • He’s certainly off to a strong start. Approximately 130,000 young leaders have engaged with 500-backed NewCampus, a contemporary online business school he co-founded to build the next generation of leaders in Southeast Asia.
  • The inspiration for NewCampus was born out of the lack of role models in his life. Yearning for representation and guidance, which he struggled to find, he established the company, first as an experimental platform aimed at helping individuals explore new career paths and spotlight the next generation of leaders.
  • “As our business model evolved, we started serving different sectors more efficiently, which led to exciting opportunities and challenges,” Will explained. He and his other two founders realized there were better chances of building education as a business.
  • He’s particularly enthusiastic about Open Campus, his education foundation launched in partnership with crypto companies Binance and Animoca, that looks at investing in education businesses.
  • This venture has expanded NewCampus’s foray into other parts of the world, including Africa and the Middle East. “I never thought I’d be supporting teachers in Brazil, teaching math literacy,” he said.
  • Will hopes for NewCampus’s legacy to transcend generations, and he’s prepared to work hard over the next 10 years to scale and drive it forward. 
  • “It took Harvard close to 400 years to build its brand. I’d like to think that the brand will form a lasting impact that outlives me,” he shared.
  • Read the full story on The Peak.


Daily Markup