Daily Markup #978: Naluri eyes EBITDA breakeven, an expansion across Asia-Pacific, and support for a broader range of health conditions

Photo credit: Naluri

Revitalizing lives

  • There’s an epidemic in Southeast Asia responsible for approximately 60% of deaths in the region; we’re talking about chronic, non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and heart attack. 
  • Azran Osman-Rani launched 500-backed digital health company Naluri to address this challenge by offering health coaching via an app to help people manage chronic diseases or mental health conditions. 
  • The team aims to deliver positive outcomes at a lower cost to healthcare payers, particularly employers. Azran shared that at first, there was virtually no interest in mental health, but at the peak of the pandemic, they began receiving enquiries from large corporations such as banks and airlines as employees were burning out or resigning.
  • By 2021, all of their work was related to mental healthcare, and Naluri saw a 3x growth. He also revealed that Naluri is expecting to reach EBITDA breakeven at a group level by the end of 2024.
  • Upon achieving this goal, Azran shared that Naluri will explore geographical expansion, with the Philippines, Vietnam, Hong Kong, and Australia on the cards. He also plans to offer Naluri’s services to SMEs and even individuals. Lastly, he aims to expand the range of health conditions Naluri can support.
  • “The same features we currently use for obesity or diabetes can be used for other ailments such as chronic pain or irritable bowel syndrome,” Azran explained, adding that it could even be used for kidney disease and cancer management.
  • Read the full story on Tech in Asia.


Daily Markup