Daily Markup #954: Pandorum secures US$11M to advance their ‘liquid cornea’ technology for treating corneal blindness in humans

Photo credit: Pandorum Technologies

A sight for sore eyes

  • Millions worldwide are waiting for donor tissues to cure corneal blindness. The odds are not in their favor, but one 500-backed biotech company is tipping the scales.
  • Pandorum Technologies successfully secured a US$11M pre-Series B to advance their flagship product, Kuragenx, dubbed ‘liquid cornea’, an innovation that can treat corneal blindness.
  • They aim to progress towards the first human studies using Kuragenx, and adapt the technology’s regenerative potential for liver, lung and neuronal tissues.
  • Founded by Arun Chandru & Dr. Tuhin Bhowmick, Pandorum has R&D labs in Bangalore, India and the USA, and works with prominent global partners.
  • “We are thrilled to have the support of the notable investors as we continue to innovate and develop therapeutics to restore healthy tissue functions, in order to help the patients suffering from unmet clinical needs,” Tuhin shared.
  • “Our flagship product Kuragenx combines proprietary biomaterials with regenerative nanotherapy, guiding the formation of a functional corneal tissue to restore vision. This is a first-in-class approach that can truly blur the line between treatment and cure,” he added.
  • “Giving back vision with something made in the lab, without depending on donor corneas, is truly transformative. This will positively impact millions of lives,” said Arun.
  • Congratulations to the Pandorum team!
  • Read the full story here.


Daily Markup