Daily Markup #922: Naluri brings accessible health & wellness tools to Jaya Grocer employees to enhance their well-being

Photo credit: Naluri

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  • Following a year-end survey to learn the challenges faced by Jaya Grocer outlet employees, the company launched a new partnership with 500-backed digital health platform Naluri, with the aim of enhancing their wellbeing!
  • The initiative was introduced through a series of events at multiple Jaya Grocer outlets, where the Naluri team guided new users on how the platform can play an integral role in supporting their mental and physical wellbeing.
  • Through a comprehensive program designed to address mental, physical, financial, social, and occupational wellness, this collaboration allows Jaya Grocer’s employees to receive support that is multifaceted and tailored to their individual needs.
  • Services available include health assessments and virtual consultations, health and wellness resources, as well as a dedicated careline and textline.
  • According to Naluri, this partnership represents a significant step forward in prioritizing employee wellbeing within the retail sector. By focusing on comprehensive wellbeing, Naluri is helping organizations like Jaya Grocer set a new standard for employee care.
  • Get the full story here.


Daily Markup