Daily Markup #819: Gilmour Space partners Neumann Space to develop a propulsion system for large satellites of up to 500kg

Photo credit: Neumann Space

I like big satellites and I just can’t lie ~

  • Neumann Space, an in-space electric propulsion company, is partnering with 500-backed spacetech Gilmour Space to develop a more powerful version of its Neumann Drive!
  • New to Neumann Drive? It’s a satellite propulsion system that uses solid metallic propellant, and is currently available for satellites weighing under 50kg, with the ability to be combined for larger satellites.
  • Both Australian space companies will work together to develop a product that’s compatible for larger satellites up to 500kg, enabling the broader satellite industry to gain access to technology that delivers increased mobility in space.
  • Gilmour Space will also provide satellite analogues for testing at the ASMN, which will allow Neumann Space to scale up their system and create a new Australian capability for maneuvering SmallSats in orbit.
  • “Neumann Space is an Australian company that’s making inroads into the global small satellite market with their patented technology, and we’re excited to be working with them in the Australian space manufacturing network (ASMN) project. It’s commercial-focused collaborations like this that will help to boost Australia’s sovereign space capability,” said Adam Gilmour, CEO of Gilmour Space.
  • Read the full feature here.


Daily Markup