Daily Markup #698: Bibit launches Bibit Bisnis to help companies and startup founders in Indonesia optimize their idle funds

Credit: Bibit

Working cash

  • Startup founders in Indonesia, this one’s for you! If you have idle cash in the bank that’s not working as hard as you are, here’s an idea to start optimizing it — 500-backed investment platform Bibit just introduced Bibit Bisnis to help entrepreneurs like you.
  • “When our company’s assets continue to grow, we are often unsure how to optimize the idle cash. On the other hand, we don’t want to put our company’s money at risk,” Bibit CEO Sigit Kouwagam said.
  • This feature helps companies optimize their surplus funds by investing in quality mutual fund products from investment managers in Indonesia.
  • According to Bibit, companies can get 3–7% in annual returns from idle cash. What’s more, the investment can be withdrawn at any time without penalty and there are no minimum placement funds or transaction and administration fees.
  • “The Bibit Bisnis feature can be utilized by business owners to maximize returns while maintaining liquidity and risk of their company funds. We hope that this feature could help companies diversify their investments in mutual fund instruments,” Sigit shared.
  • Users can also activate the multi-level feature to provide access to individuals who can help manage their investment portfolio.
  • “(We learn) from large companies that have professional teams to invest their idle cash effectively, now any business owner can do the same with the Bibit Bisnis feature,” Sigit said.
  • Read the full article here.


Daily Markup